Cummins INSITE™ v8 Pro
Cummins INSITE™ software supplies engine information quickly, getting the inside details you need. No matter what kind of equipment you run, INSITE™ is the one support product to have in your virtual toolbox to fit every Cummins electronic engine.
See Full list of Features
Cummins INSITE™ Features
- Trip and vehicle information
- Parameter and feature adjustment
- Complete wiring diagrams and sensor location maps
- Fault-related information
- Fault code and symptom-based diagnostics
- Engine diagnostic tests (Injector cut-out, EGR valve, turbo, etc…)
- Tools to create templates for a group of vehicles
- Audit trail information
- Enhanced Electronic Control Module (ECM) security
- Work orders
- Built-in help & troubleshooting
- Calibration downloads
- Graphical monitoring
- Program new ECMs
Cummins INSITE™ License Details:
With the purchase of this software, you're granted a 12-month full access period. Following this, the software shifts to a view-only mode until a new license is purchased. This approach is the official way Cummins distributes its software, ensuring you receive legitimate access. Additionally, during your active license period, you'll benefit from complimentary updates through the Cummins Update Manager, included with the Cummins INSITE™ software installation.