Diesel Laptops is proud to invite you to sponsor our first ever Virtual Truck Repair Expo! While a lot of industries have come to a halt during the Coronavirus pandemic, the trucking industry is continuing to move! That's why the theme for this year's show is "Keep it Moving!" At a time like this, we need to come together as an industry to move forward and strengthen this battle. This event is free for attendees and all of the profits will be donated to the American Red Cross. 

The Virtual Truck Repair Expo will act much like a normal, in-person trade show. There will be an exhibit hall where attendees can stop by your company's booth and speak live to a company representative and collect digital marketing collateral. There's also an auditorium and a room for breakout sessions so you can give a live or pre-recorded presentation and answer questions from the audience. Watch the video below to learn more: 

Sponsorship Options

Gold Level Sponsorship - $1,500

  • Booth in the exhibit hall
  • Host a presentation in the auditorium or a breakout session in the lounge
  • Banner ad in the virtual environment
  • Company name and logo on communications with attendees
  • Social Media announcement you are participating
  • 90-Days of free advertising on our Diesel Ad Network

Silver Level Sponsorship - $1,000

  • Booth in the exhibit hall
  • Social Media announcement you are participating

Current Gold Sponsors 

Current Silver Sponsors

If you're interested in sponsoring the first annual Virtual Truck Repair Expo hosted by Diesel Laptops, fill out this form and our team will be in touch with our different exhibitor/sponsorship/speaking options!