Software Requests

Oct 17, 2019 - 10:29 AM

Viewed 1445 times

  • Want a feature that you feel has always been missing from our software? Is there something that could make it work better for you, or take things to the next level?

    Please list any requests here and I will personally review each and every one of them. This isn't the case where customer requests go into a black hole - some of our best features have come from customers like you!

  • I have customers with medium duty that are switching over to gasoline to get away from high cost and headaches of diesel aftertreatment systems. I have found myself with no OBD2 software to communicate with the trucks. Is there any software I can put on my texa laptop or will I need to buy a seperate scan tool?

  • @jimcombs Are they switching to the Ford V10 gas, or something else?

  • Yes they are. I Think if that new ford godzilla engine holds up then more people will be switching over. They are going to offer it in the F750.

  • @jimcombs Right now, this engine is in the middle zone. I can't find any reputable aftermarket solutions on the automotive side, and I also can't find anyone on the aftermarket side that has a solution as well. However, I did talk with TEXA and they said it is already under development. They expect to have it released late Q1.

  • That would be great if I could use my Texa to do it all. Thank you and I will be watching my Texa updates. Happy New Year to all.

  • Caitlin Buckhaults (@caitlinbuckhaults):
    Want a feature that you feel has always been missing from our software? Is there something that could make it work better for you, or take things to the next level?
    Please list any requests here and I will personally review each and every one of them. This isn't the case where customer requests go into a black hole - some of our best features have come from customers like you!

    Ford power balance test, injector pressure, ipr regulater%.
