HCSS and Diesel Laptops Integration

With a legacy dating back to 1986, HCSS has been dedicated to developing cutting-edge software that empowers construction companies to streamline their operations. Today, they proudly stand as a pioneering force and industry leader, serving a vast network of construction firms nationwide. The HCSS mission is clear: They exist to help customers achieve excellence.

Diesel Laptops has created a strategic relationship with HCSS to utilize both of our technologies to help customers achieve that excellence. Customers on the HCSS Telematics platform have historically been able to view fault codes from their machines out in the field. However, they were unable to do much more than that until now. HCSS customers can now “one tap” from a fault code to repair information inside the Diesel Repair platform by Diesel Laptops.

The process is very simple and easy for HCSS users. As their equipment has issues that generate fault codes, they receive a text or email altering them. Upon logging into the HCSS Telematics platform and viewing the Equipment Detail page, the fault codes will be displayed in the upper right corner.


Once the user clicks on “Repair Info”, they are prompted to confirm they wish to leave the HCSS platform and view repair information.

The user is then brought to the Diesel Repair platform where they log in or create a new account. The exact fault code repair information is displayed, and quick repair information is provided for free. Users can choose to subscribe to Diesel Repair to also receive detailed step-by-step instructions for the fault codes.

For a more detailed walk through, please watch the video below.

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